
 By Sam Ibraham

We all have a story to tell. Some of those stories will touch you, some will break you and other with incite you. Our human capacity to do more and be more is relative to how we are motivated and how we can motivate.

I have always come to say “be stronger than your excuses” and this has been one of the single most motivating themes in my life and in those that come to me to seek an answer that perplexes them or that need a pick-me-up.

My life is empowering people to the very best health they can be, that being physical and notably mental health. Some come with the expectation of being handed out pills, others put every ounce of their power to refrain from being diagnosed and labelled as they would see it.

Some come because they are overweight, some because they are depressed, others come for a friendly face and a non-judgemental appraisal. In the end they are all seeking the same answer, which is how do I just get up and start moving forward? How do I take those first steps? Where is my MOTIVATION?

My job is to give these people objective answers to their questions, or to treat in some cases. My passion lies in helping them takes those first steps which are the hardest for all people and then read their success stories on how they did it.  For Jane Doe it was someone who would listen, hold her hand and take those first steps with her to weight loss. Jenny is a successful fitness model and entrepreneur. For John Smith it was overcoming an addiction and no prospects of hope as no one believed in him.  John Smith is pursing doctoral education and is an expert counsellor with a prestigious firm and a motivational speaker.

How different are these people from you or I?  How unusual are their stories? Or rather how familiar are their stories?

Motivation is one part inspiration and one part perspiration. Where does motivation come from? How can one hope to even take those first steps to something that has limited them, tormented them all their life, the weight problem? depression? lack of ambition?

How do you feel when you watch that super hero movie? That love story about hope and fate?  Or stories of make it or break it, riches and fame that came from nothing.  We admire great leaders, the Mother Teresa’s of the world, the Oprah, the Bill Gates with remarkable and heart-felt stories. But what makes these people different from you or I?  How do we succeed, how do we get motivated?

The scientific answer of motivation being controlled by the pre-frontal cortex of the brain may not do much to help you in motivating you to your goal, however understanding that motivation is something you can charge yourself with may inspire you.

No goals happen overnight, nor should your plans to change occur over one night. This is very different from making an active decision to “say” I need a change.  Here are many realistic and attainable things that do work:

1. Don’t try to change overnight, but make the decision to want to change one small thing at first.  Making a decision to say I need a healthier lifestyle, whether that mean weight loss, improved diet, more exercise, or the need to just be more positive IS within your power to do!! Once you make this decision you WILL find yourself energized, and hopeful.

2. Succeed by making a plan: This is the second hardest thing to do, as you may not know where to start. Ask these questions What is my goal? What do I want to see happen in 1 week? 1 month? 3 months, 6 months? and 1 year?  By asking these questions you are starting to build your plan by brainstorming. Brainstorming is this easy!  Write your ideas in columns under 1 week, 1 month and so forth.

3. Be realistic:  It is unlikely you will fit into a size 4 dress, a 32 pant, or be ready for the runway in 1 week!  Realistic goals will set you up for success. Unrealistic goals tend to find nearly all people discouraged and given up, losing their motivation to carry on.

4. Words of inspiration: we are creatures of habit and community. No matter how introverted we are there are elements of community that all of us strive to have, to fit into and gain feedback and reassurance for. Find someone who knows you and will acknowledge what you are doing, knows your plan and your goals. You will start to realize that once people are aware of your “plan and goals” this becomes a motivating factor on its own as there is an element of performance. If you do not have anyone post the picture of your size 4 dress in a visible spot that you can see everyday!  Keeping your goals in mind means REMINDING YOURSELF!

5. Check-In and Check in Often: people who get off track normally do because their is no accountability. Find someone who you can check in with everyday, either physically if possible, by phone, by text, video call etc. “Checking IN” means staying connected, a major part of staying motivated.

6. Understand failure is part of the process: Anyone trying to quit smoking? You have likely quit 5 times already and feel you will never quit right? Understanding that failure MUST occur inorder to succeed is part of the process. When you fall back, go back through your steps and start again, and again. Remember there is only failure when you stop trying entirely.

7. Be stronger than your excuses: The hardest part of the journey after meticulous planning is taking the first steps forward. Look at that photo of your dress, remembering that song you will dance to at your wedding, or that body that you dream of that will be your, once you take those first steps and repeat them everyday!

8. Reward yourself: Most Importantly we are creatures who are encouraged by incentive, if you walking that mile today means that you will have that spa day, or that not smoking that cigarette is one day closer to that European vacation then keep those rewards alive in your mind.

This is my prescription for the day, and stay posted for more on this topic in the next blog.