Motivation: The Routine


By Sam Ibraham

You have heard me say it before and you likely know what I am going to say again…..

As the new year makes its way closer so does the promises of a new beginning, a fresh start and the hopes of something new and inspiring. The answers at the time you conceive them are clear however the body is weak and more so the motivation is simply not there. So what is the secret?  What is the real magic for this upcoming year and those thereafter?

Human beings are masters of repetition, we learn by it, we live by it, and sadly we also die by it through repeated errors this is witnessed on a personal and global level.

I have blogged in the past about what has and has not worked, what could and could not work, what restrains us from accomplishing our goals and ways to sustain it.  Is there really a tried and tested method?  How will I guarantee success this new year without total disappointment as in the past years?

One method to overcome this rigorous cycle of defeat is to utilize the same mechanism that often prevents you from succeeding and diminishes your motivation…..repetition.

Your goals are grand and almost untouchable as you see them so try doing something you would never expect to work.

Each time you succeed at something big or small you tend to repeat the process?  Since your method has worked why reinvent the wheel. Start with the little things as I have mentioned before and with what you can realistically commit to today. When today has been mastered start working on tomorrow, tomorrow until you can learn to handle planning consecutive days. Building on small success helps you prepare for larger success, will keep your expectations real, and help you learn and correct what your doing from today so you can carry it forward tomorrow and onward.

Repeating small successes can help you accomplish that longterm goal by realistically focusing your efforts one day at a time…

This is food for thought!


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